African pepper soup is a tasty and spicy soup made with a variety of peppers, spices, and meats.
It is usually served with white rice, yam or fufu. Vegetarian versions of the dish exist and often feature additional ingredients such as mushrooms, okra, and other vegetables.
Traditional Spices used in Making Nigerian/African Pepper Soup Spices:
Selim Pepper
Selim pepper is a type of pepper that is native to Ethiopia.
It is also known as Grains of Selim, Ethiopian pepper, Senegal pepper, Negro pepper, Kani pepper or Uda seed.
It is used to give a spicy and nutty flavor to dishes.
Calabash Nutmeg
The Calabash nutmeg is a type of nutmeg obtained from the fruit of the calabash tree, which is native to the Caribbean region.
The nutmeg has a stronger flavor and aroma than regular nutmeg.
This nutmeg is also known as Jamaican nutmeg, African nutmeg, and Muscadier de Calabash. In Nigeria, it is known as Ehuru. Calabash nutmeg is used in small amounts for flavoring in pepper soup and a variety of dishes.
Alligator Pepper
Alligator pepper, also known as mbongo spice, is a West African spice made from the seeds of Aframomum danielli, A. citratum or A. exscapum.
It is also referred to as Grains of Paradise,
Guinea pepper, and Melegueta pepper. In Nigeria, alligator pepper has a peppery taste and is referred to as Atare, Atariko or Ulima seeds.
It is used in many traditional dishes including pepper soup and is one of the most important ingredients in West African cuisine.
Black Pepper
Black pepper is the most common and well-known spice. Black pepper is also called Piper guineense, West African Black Pepper or Ashanti pepper, Uziza in Igbo and Ata iyere in Yoruba.
Black pepper has a very pungent flavor and is used to add flavor and spice to a variety of dishes like Pepper soup.
Black pepper is used in many cuisines around the world.
How to prepare pepper soup spices from scratch
Start by roasting the calabash nutmeg in a dry pan for about three minutes. Open the seeds and grind them.
Then combine the black pepper, calabash nutmeg, selim pepper, and alligator pepper together and grind to a fine powder.
Mix them thoroughly and store in an airtight container.
Your pepper soup spices mix is ready!!
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